Friday Fiction

I've been meaning to write something this month, but so much has happened since June. The brother got engaged (wedding's just 4 months away!) and work is a little too hectic at the moment. So, instead of doing a random post, here's something I wrote as part of a future assignment for DD's Travel Writing Bus. It's based on a theme we were given and it's supposed to be longer (got stuck and haven't been able to rewrite since). I'll aim to write from scratch if I can't add to it. As always, feedback is welcome. ----- We drove in silence. The darkness outside was strangely comfortable. He placed his hand on my knee. "It will be ok. Don't worry." "Hmm..." I drifted off again. "What's on your mind now?" "Nothing." I noticed he had taken a detour. 'Great! Now he wants to talk.' But silence again. Suddenly, he pulled over to the side of the path. Where are we? I turned to...