Scratch a blog...

Two and a half years ago, I took off with friends to a resort in Khopoli for an overnight trip. While we were there, we decided to explore the nearby Morbhe Dam (not accessible to public) and the surrounding villages. It was rainy but definitely not depressing. Carpets of lush green grass, a little hilly terrain, the occasional tiny waterfall, grey skies, cool breeze and droplets from the sky marked that evening's drive. I came across this idol placed near some rocks. No clue who it is (and I couldn't get closer because we had to rush back), but it reminded me of Arun Kolatkar and his famous work of poetry entitled Jejuri . A collection of poems focused on the temple town of Jejuri (which is still on my travel list) in Maharashtra, the lines from "Scratch" are my favourite. And here's one that has always stayed with me. scratch a rock and a legend springs Look it up if you like! Found this post lying in my drafts and thought it's necessary to ki...