Six years ago...

... 26th July 2005 was a dreadful date in the history of Mumbai and its citizens. A rare cloudburst occured and the ensuing floods destroyed life and property.

Where was I? You could read my account of that day here.

Also, one little thing I never mentioned in that post: I had my period on that horrible day, so you can imagine how it must have felt while wading through all that water. When I finally reached home the next morning, the first thing I did was buy a big bottle of Dettol antiseptic liquid, and added it to water for bath and washing clothes. I also got very moody for a few days after that.

Today, I remember all those who lost their lives on that fateful day. And hope their families are doing well. Also, I sincerely wish Mumbai gets an independent governing body to look after it, and for Mumbaikars to be concerned about this city's well-being.

PS: I chose not to blog on the horrific blasts that took place a few days ago because what I would've said is already done in this old post related to the train blasts of 13th July 2006.


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