From Mondy's to Monday

Here's a little postcard from Cafe Mondegar's, or Mondy's as we lovingly call it. 

I was there on Friday evening with a great bunch of folks, and guess what? I drank a full mug of beer for the first time ever. Not bad considering I'm not a beer guzzler at all.

The artwork on the walls capture the world of celebrated cartoonist Mario Miranda. Absolutely love those drawings.

This past week has been excellent. Just three working days, but some great insights are being worked upon. The Diwali holidays helped in relaxing the mind, and meeting a bunch of lovely people at a house party, over coffee/kebabs, over double peppermint chocolate, over beer (!), and at the warm Le Pain Quotidien (photos coming soon)... Ah! So much conversation and laughter with excellent company. 

Have a great week, everyone.



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