Unpacking memories

Among my co-travellers, one was flying in from Bombay with me and the other was coming in from Bangalore. The three of us were joining more friends - some already in Goa and some on their way by road. Sneha and I walked out of Goa Airport, and were received by Sharon whose flight had arrived a couple of hours earlier. One look at us lugging our trolley bags, and a fit of laughter ensued. Why? Well, the three of us had identical trolley bags - right down to the size, colour and make.

That moment jogged our collective memories to four years ago when we embarked on our first trip as a trio to Thailand. Those bags were purchased from a shop in Pratunam Centre in bustling Bangkok to accommodate all the shopping we had done there. I had left Bombay with a regular bag for my personal things and a small sling bag for money and travel documents. The return journey, however, saw us bring back those now-famous-black-suitcases-on-wheels bursting at the seams with bags, shoes, souvenirs and many, many memories.

And then it hit me. I realised how packing one's life in a suitcase or two is an enviable skill. The 'things' we hoard may never fill the limited spaces we have. But memories, all kinds of them, manage to wonderfully fit in the trolley bags of our hearts and minds.

Note: The piece above was a result of a writing assignment. Details here. Feedback is most welcome.


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