
23 days into the fifth month of the year, and I'm wondering where did the days go. And I also realise that I haven't blogged at all this May. Largely, I've been busy with domestic duties and a few social engagements. You'd be surprised to see how much housework can take out of you!

May - when flowers explode with colour!

In other news, we had a really wonderful writing class at MCubed Library a few weeks ago. And you know what? I discovered that I could write a bit of fiction (meaning something that didn't get inspired by my own life experiences). And that really thrilled me no end. I'm feeling horrible, though, for not doing a round-up of that and the previous meet-up of DD's Travel Writing Bus. Maybe I should combine the two in one post? Maybe. Fingers crossed.

And then, earlier this week, a few of us dropped in at I-Bar at Bandra Reclamation (never knew it was packed with so many F&B outlets) for Music at The Big Mic - a platform for upcoming musicians to showcase their original music. We went to cheer our writing buddies, @loneladysherpa and A, who formed part of a trio called Little Boys Who (quirky!). I'll try and post a video of one of the songs soon. They were marvellous... and we were subjected to some other interesting genres too. Like Hindi/Marathi Hip-Hop (which we preferred over the chap's English bit) and Punjabi Rap (never mind!). A notable performance was by this girl named Gitanjali - great voice and guitar strumming. Sherpa Lady treated us to a round of chilled beer and soon we went gallivanting around Carter Road to talk up a storm.

Before I-Bar that evening, while I was waiting for @gauravraikar and @AnOddYellow, I found myself at a cafe called Lancy's Java Joy. Ummm... yeah, it sounds like it's trying too hard. But I had nowhere to go considering it was a Monday and Candies was shut, and the other places looked intimidating for a solo girl. Was promptly greeted with a cheery "Hello, ma'am!" as I entered. 

"One cappuccino, please?" 

Maybe he saw my face more intently and figured I need a really good dose of caffeine because that cup of coffee ended up keeping me awake till 3 AM! And I had to wake up at 5.30 AM. Imagine how insanely sleepy I was the whole of Tuesday!

So things to blog:
# DD's Travel Writing Bus - Part 3 & Part 4
# Social Media - forgot what I wanted to write about
# Short conversations that I've made note of on my commute
# Phone buying travails
# Pune - damn! Completely forgot I had gone to the neighbouring city for a couple of days. 
# IPL, cricket, Dravid - hmmmm...
# Jeera Aloo - I cooked!

Ok, I must stop. Or this list will never end. Maybe I'll squeeze some time for these posts soon. Maybe. Maybe not.


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