Thank you for the madness!

"You're only given one little spark of madness.
You mustn't lose it."

Began the day, still sleepy, a little tired - as has been the past few weeks because of work. And it just got a bit sadder when I caught the news of Robin Williams passing away. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook were already plastered with his photos and quotes and video clips by the time I could process it all. It was mass mourning. For a man none of us knew personally. But a man who touched many lives with his personality, his craft, his comic genius, his humanity.

Leaving you with these three tributes to the talented soul...

This heartbreaking and apt tweet from The Academy:

That time when he owned the stage on 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?':

Link to the article & video (in case the video doesn't display)

A scene from Dead Poets' Society, my favourite RW movie and one of my all-time favourites:

Oh, Captain, my Captain... Rest in peace!



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