postcard from j: apni caller tuning jamegi

"bheege hont tere, pyaasa dil mera... " blared into my ears. and i felt like 'murder'ing the idiot.

this was not your regular roadside romeo trying to marao chance! its one of the zillion candidates i call day in and day out for suitable opportunities in my organization. and no, he was not serenading me. this was his choice of "caller tune" that his cellular service provider had enticed him into paying for.

all day, i call and wait for the candidate to answer the phone. now, it has become such an ordeal to go through the tunes belted out as if you're watching the Top 10 on Channel [V] or MTV. {aside: personally, i like VH1 though} from the hugely popular "lamhe" (jal/remixed by dj suketu) to "heaven" (bryan adams - which i liked), from "lonely" (akon) to "hello" (lionel richie), from "rock the party" (bombay rockers) to "zombie" (cranberries) and more! the worst was having to deal with dialogue-baazi - right from gabbar singh's "kitne aadmi the?" to nilu phule's rant in marathi.

and most recently, i succumbed to the fad myself. now, try calling my cell and prepare to do a jig. why? well, "kajra re, kajra re, tere kaare kaare naina... "

*sigh* what all we do to make the cellular service providers rich!


Srinath Rao said…
ha ha ha JC wonderful post yaar..
as a matter of fact i got 2 ringtones SMS'ed by orange the other day. one was Just chill & other was dus bahane.. dono were pakao yaar.. my nokia waala ring tone is good to even wake me up from slumber :=)

Hmmm...."Get your money for nothing and your chicks for free" as far as I am concerned ;-) THAT is where one can really customize......load mp3s onto the phone and that's it.....Metallica, Steve Vai, you name it :-) Best part? You're listening to it and no1 calling u is forced to put up with stuff they don't like :-)
Anonymous said…
I'm planning to get meself one too, can't seem to find one which would be "me". Any suggestions?
~j~ said…
@anonymous - thanx for stopping by, but i'm inclined to believe you're spam. *shudder*

@sri - caller tunes and ringtones are two different things. and by the way, "Dus Bahaane" rocks! and why not? after all, it has Abhishek Bachchan in it. *drool*

@johnny boy - yeah, ringtones are the way to go. but any ringtone downloaded on my polyphonic phone sounds weird. but, i'm amused at the response "Kajra Re" elicited from my callers. lol!

@ranju - hmm... well, I liked "Where Is The Love?" by Black Eyed Peas, Bryan Adams' "Heaven", and yeah, "Yaaron" by KK. of course, the only caller tune i would like to hear if i called you is "Annie's Song" by John Denver. hehehehehe!!!
Anonymous said…
I should've known.
Bah! to that :p
geetu said…
Hey ~j~
its been a while i was here..! :) how r ya doing! :D
hehehe about the ringer tunes at times they r an utter nuisance.. especially wen u r real angry or really harrassed.. and suddenly u have this song playin in ur head!!! LOL hehehe
Srinath Rao said…
yes i know they are different things..I was refering to ring tones with a context of making cellular providers/related companies richer :=)

original dus bahane rocks no doubt but its ring tone didn't..

Anonymous said…
Your new caller tune rocks!
(no big surprise that, eh?;))

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