Kerala kapers, anyone?

I know, I know, I know. I've been too lazy with this blog... and I so want to make it happen.

Last month, I took off on a whirlwind 8-day (almost 9 actually) trip to God's own country. Yup, I visited Kerala - one of India's southern states. Parts of the trip were planned in advance but there were some moments that had us pleasantly surprised too.

My travel log read: Mumbai-Cochin-Alleppey-Thiruvananthapuram-Kannur-Calicut-Thrissur-Cochin-Mumbai. Phew! The modes of transport included flight, car, bus, train, ferry, houseboat, rickshaw... Phew again!

Packing and unpacking every 2 days made the trip exciting and exhausting. Add to it the terrible heat and rising humidity levels. But there was never a dull moment. And I hope I can capture some of Kerala's charm and beauty through my upcoming posts. While that will take a little longer, why don't you head over to my humble photo blog? Check out snapshots from my trip under the title Kerala Kapers. I've got 2-3 pictures posted for now. Do return to see more of those soon.


PS: Both photos here were taken in Cochin, more specifically Fort Kochi. The first is our lovely hotel called Rossitta Wood Castle and the second is one of Jew Town's many antique stores.


The antique shop looks like a treasure trove! I would really like one of those bubble inverted pot-like glass lampshades.
~j~ said…
Faye, you should totally check Jew Town! I just loved the stores lining up the road, and all the lovely colours on display. And those glass lamps are really pretty. Sadly, Bombay homes have no space, so I came back empty handed :|

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