
This is the tweet and the ensuing responses that made me write that previous post:

The responses:
@rohanbabu: remember, your career is in YOUR hands. you decide what YOU want to do with it. take some time off and think :)

@RachitaVaid: u need ice cream! Breathe gal! This shall pass too...

@cyber_junkie: should expand areas of expertise and explore

And my favourites of them all,

@shawnlewis: come paint with me :)

@the_realale: it's not work pressure! Maybe the universe is conspiring to make you a travel writer.

Thanks, guys. You really cheered me up a little on a miserable day.

And finally, a big thank you to @girishmallya who has been my guardian angel, punching bag, sounding board and friend all rolled into one.

Twitter rocks because of people like you.


@GirishMallya said…
Hey champ, keep going and crush all the hurdles and you will rock it. Enjoy.

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