Getting arty-farty

Just posting a quick note...

I visited this year's Kala Ghoda Arts Festival (KGAF) last Saturday (first day) for a few hours. It was crowded as usual. But quiet. Very quiet. All thanks to a resident's campaign against loudspeakers to protect the area which is a silence zone. Will post links later to the news.

No need to hate the guy who fought the cause. I believe he did the right thing. And what really stood out is that the crowd that came by was a much better one, more civil, and sensible. The riff-raff stayed away as there was nothing "inviting" their attention. Sure, you need more street spaces livened up. But rules are rules. And they need to be adhered to. The only thing I don't like is that there are many who flout noise rules and civility in the name of religion (examples: Ganpati Visarjan revelry; Diwali firecrackers at 4am and forever; Bandra Fair during the feast of Mount Mary).

Anyway, I got a few snapshots from KGAF last week. Head over to the photo-blog to catch those, and leave me some feedback. I'm trying to work on my photography skills, you see ;)

Will be back with more KGAF pics soon. Plan to go there on Saturday again.


PS: I have an interesting work-related announcement to make. BUT that will have to wait till next week.


vinithasaira said…
u ahve a lovely blog here! :) and yes wonderful pictures on ur photblog too! adding u to my blog roll.. so write often!
~j~ said…
Thanks, Vinitha. Appreciate the comment and the blogroll addition.


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