
Have you ever felt your heart sink? Mine just did. Actually, it broke into pieces. Shredded. Like pieces of glass. And each shard is tearing into me deeper and deeper. I feel pain. Sorrow. But the tears are frozen. They won't flow.

Why would you cause me pain? Have I ever been less of a friend to you? I've always defended you, worried about you, given you the importance you deserve (and don't deserve). And this is what I get in return?

I wish I could be evil and inflict pain on you, but I can't. You don't deserve me. I hate you. And that's only because I love you way too much to let go.

Can't breathe. Can't breathe.


MissMalini said…
I feel you babe. *hug*
Hey J, I don't know what this is about but I hope you're okay. Kisses.

~j~ said…
@Malini: Thanks once again! Your concern really touched me.

@Faye: I'm fine. Just a bad phase I was struggling to cope with and it got worse because of some other reasons. Thanks, girl.

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