D-rain Day

The city has been pounded by relentless rain since Monday bringing life to a pathetic crawl. Imagine Goregaon to Andheri by car on the Western Express Highway taking three hours! Yes, three hours. And we were supposedly in the non-traffic direction. But when there's water-logging, it just doesn't matter which direction you're in. It's the famous Bombay monsoon. Hard. Cruel. Unforgiving. Not romantic, these rains at all. (#note2self: sue the movies for making us believe it's so wonderful to get soaked). And it continues to rain as I tap at my keyboard now.

Monday was also THE day for an important decision that had to be made. More on that in time to come. Ironically, I had tweeted late Sunday night about wanting to give up something and that I was open to suggestions. Replies ranged from Twitter (hahaha, not yet!) to rickshaws (one day, someday...), from maida to sugar (totally doable, but needs motivation) and from swearing (which I don't do anyway but thanks to the Goa trip, I do let out stray expletives. Please excuse.) to cricket (!). Tch. Anyway, I did give up something with said decision. Let's see how it's all going to pan out.

In the meanwhile, let me share a lovely site I came across: Induviduality. Belongs to Indu Harikumar, a designer and children's book illustrator from what I could gather. How cool is that! There is an interesting project that she is participating in and you can read about it here. It has something to do with one of my favourite things in the world: postcards. So... go, read.

Since I started following her on Twitter as well, I found this absolutely stunning piece of text she had posted a while back. Read it quite a few times and just had to post it here (I've linked to the original image itself). Hope Indu doesn't mind.

What do you think?

Thanks for reading today's post. I'm hoping - really hoping - I can do as many posts I can. There are too many thoughts that I need to articulate in words. So, time for much action. *fingers crossed*



Lobotrix said…
Those lines are superb. And very profound.

The rains, I've never been a fan, could never be with dirt in my toes, mud on my clothes and the fear of leptospirosis.
Lobotrix said…
Those lines are superb. And very profound.

The rains, I've never been a fan, could never be with dirt in my toes, mud on my clothes and the fear of leptospirosis.
krist0ph3r said…
i love the rain. i don't mind being stuck for hours as long as i'm standing under the sky, getting drenched with it :)

guess it's been a while now... how did the giving up thing work? (and i still want to know what it is!)

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