Rick-rolled! 8

My 'Rick-rolled' series is back. And do watch out for at least two more of those later in the week.

It's in Marathi, so I'll try translating it (though the flavour and tone may be completely washed out.). It's a graphic image of Shivaji, the Maratha warrior after whom everything in Mumbai seems to be (re)named. 

The vertical text reads: "Jaanta Raja" meaning "People's King". The text below, "Baghtos Kaay Mujra Kar", is actually tricky to translate. Crudely, it reads: "What are you looking at? Dance!" I thought this line was really funny.

Hope you enjoyed this Saturday postcard. Off to attend a story-telling session at MCubed Library and then to lunch with old friends. 



Harshad said…
Mujra here means bow and greet. Good find though
Harshad said…
Mujra here means bow and greet. Good find though
~j~ said…
Oh really? @Harshad... thanks for letting me know.

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