Hello, 2013!

Hi there! Happy New Year! I know I am three days late with the wishing, but you see I had to travel on an urgent work assignment at very short notice. In fact, I returned on 31st December from a whirlwind 4-day trip of Mangalore - two of which were spent in the train to and fro - and flew out for the assignment on New Year's Day. While I can't disclose where I am at the moment, here's a picture postcard for you. :)

This is a little moment I captured for myself today.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year celebration. December 2012 vanished in a blur for me thanks to all the weddings I had to attend. I am feeling a bit jaded and am currently battling a sore throat. Hope to be alright soon and also to get back to blogging about a couple of exciting experiences. 

Catch you later,

PS: I quite like the place I am staying in right now. More importantly, I am enjoying this living-out-of-a-suitcase business. Let's see for how long though.

PPS: Special shout-out to Lo! Was super thrilled to have met her in December when she was down. Sadly, this work project ruined our plans to meet before she leaves for Abu Dhabi.


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