Things to do when a wave of sadness hits you...

Take a chill pill and maybe some of these too! (Image Source: Unknown; Don't sue me!)

In no particular order:

# Listen to some upbeat music and sing your favourite lyrics out loud.

# Or just DANCE - even if you have two left feet like mine. Here's my current jam:

# Think of parents, family, friends, just about anyone who loves you - pretty much unconditionally.

# Read old, funny IM conversations you've had with your favourite people. Like the ones I have with Lo and DC... So much entertainment! (Thank God for search functionality within chat apps)

# Check out the Instagram 'Explore' tab and discover interesting people and their feeds. Some of the super accounts I follow: mumbaipaused, marsder, petesouza. Go, check them out NOW.

# Dream of Japan. (Insert your own dream destination.)
Somewhere along the Hanshin Expressway, Kobe - Japan | December 2015
# Count your blessings. Be grateful. EVERY DAY.

# Pray. Without an agenda. 

That's all I can think of for now. It's well past 4 AM at the moment. Signing off with this uplifting (?) thought that I found in some forgotten folder of my laptop...
Image Source: Unknown. Sorry!


Sharayu... said…
Oh, J! I hope you are well past this wave now. Sometimes, we just ought to write. And I totally agree with you about Instagram. That's one amazing online portal I've discovered. Made some great friends too. Who knew Instagram could encourage us to share sisterhood and some close friendship bonds, seven seas and continents away?

I missed reading your posts here for a long time. Here's to our well-being and kindness and more love and joy to be found in our times! :)

*with Love and hugs*
~ Sharayu.
~j~ said…
Hey Sharayu! What a pleasant surprise to see your comments! Thank you for reading and checking on me. Feels nice. I've had my "waves" on and off. There's not much one can do, except to soldier on and take one day at a time. But I'm fine! :) Hope you are well. Will catch up on your blog soon.

PS: I do need to get back to writing more.

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