Shoe-time, folks!

"I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot." 
                                                                                ~ Marilyn Monroe

I'm lagging behind by a day on our August Blogging Challenge. And I just couldn't think of anything to write about... when I remembered this one post I've always wanted to do. About shoes. More specifically, *my* shoes.

Let it be known that I was never a footwear fanatic. I don't remember any sole favourites as I was growing up simply because I never had much choice. My feet were always too large for kids my age, and too broad to fit dainty girly stuff. Also, having to wear black leather, and later brown canvas shoes as part of my school uniforms five days a week ensured I didn't really miss out on much.

My indifference towards shoes continued well beyond into my college and even my first few work years. Till this job (current) happened in 2007. Hanging out with Dan, my colleague and now good friend, rubbed off her mad love for shoes on me. You will know why I say "mad love" when you see her shoe collection some day. And soon enough I became a shoe-holic. What you will see next is an old photograph of some of my shoes and a little description to introduce you to them. Here goes:

1. My first ever pair from Charles & Keith (C&K). Kitten heels, bronze, most comfortable pair to party in, versatile enough to go with Indian and western outfits. It was also the first time I paid a bomb for shoes. Rs. 2500 or thereabouts. And worse, the store went on sale just 2-3 weeks later :(

2. Super high, strappy, white heels from C&K. Bought impulsively during a sale and quite regret the decision as I've never worn them till date. I think I'm ready to give them away.

3. Olive green, satin ballerina flats. Bought along with the white heels. Wore them just once on my birthday in 2008. The satin won't take too kindly to Mumbai roads and dirt; also, the front squashes my toes a bit making them a tad uncomfortable so they are pretty much in cold storage. I'm giving these away to a cousin if they fit her, or another cousin who has a great chance of bagging them as she's just a teen now with growing feet.

4. Black-and-white, flat wedges. My anytime pair again from C&K (obsession, I know).

5. Green-and-white floral print on fabric, high-but-comfy wedges. One of my favourites from C&K that I found at a bargain (Rs. 900 or so), but the colour is such that I couldn't wear it regularly. Another pair that I bought with these (not in the picture because they wore out completely) was a black pair of flat sandals with white stitching (approx Rs. 1000 in the sale) that really worked for my daily commute. Much later, I was aghast to find the design copied by Catwalk and sold for about 700 bucks. Gah!

6. Black strappy heels. My only real black pair. When there's nothing else I can turn to. Another from C&K. Shucks! This is beginning to read like an advertisement for the brand.

7. Skechers. Dull gold and olive green. This pair was actually bought by my uncle for his daughter but they were big for her at the time. Happy to get them. I sported these till about a few months ago. Have had to retire them as the thin sole wore off completely. Really loved these though.

8. Black, gladiator-style broad ankle buckle straps. This time from Catwalk as are the last two pairs too. Picked these and no. 10 in a sale while in Bangalore. I quite liked them but the extremely flat sole sometimes made them quite slippery to run around in.

9. Black-and-dull-gold, flat sandals. Hardly wore them, and don't know where they are now. One of those impulsive buys that I felt stupid about.

10. White, flat sandals with fine golden lines on the straps. For everyday wear. Also bought in Bangalore. No discount on these but the best 750 bucks ever spent. I wore them everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. If they are still available, I just might go for them again. :)

Wait, wait. That's not all. The last three acquisitions are these (ages ago):

No prizes for guessing which brand these three belong to. :)

Actually... the last pair bought were keds from adidas in April, and they are the ones I'm living in these past few months. During my June trip of Coorg+Mangalore, I had a fall and badly hurt my right ankle. No fracture thankfully. But two months down the line, I'm still not a hundred per cent fit on that front. :( So, no heels for now.

Phew! Another one done for ABC. And I leave you with a favourite quote:

"Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn't changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I'm just wearing better shoes. " ~ Oprah Winfrey

(If you click on the photos, you'll see slightly larger versions of the same.)



Lobotrix said…
hahaha.. i've grown shoe and bag crazy too... C&K are my favourites too though i wait for sales only. I've run out of place on my shoe rack! And most of my shoes are ballerina pumps! little cute ones with bows and all

Btw J.. forget about matching colors... contrast is in :)

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