Watch this space! (updated)

So, the unintentional social experiment worked. - or rather, is working. More details later. Will update this post by the end of today or tomorrow morning.

Till then, watch this space.
I had turned off my birthday information on my Facebook page last year. Two reasons. One, the sheer number of messages that came in on FB directly, and then because of FB on Twitter or via sms. People got a 'reminder' and hence, an obligation to wish. Never mind if you've not spoken to me in years, or don't know what my life is like, but a FB wish toh banta hai, boss. Plus I don't do a generic Facebook status saying "thanks", so it meant fewer people to respond to. 

The second reason for turning it off was but obvious. Getting older is getting progressively depressing - the age factor was looming over, people reminding you that you're not married yet, and worse being wished that "hope this year your happy day arrives". I mean, what the fuck! And yes, I just used a profanity on my blog. That's how frustrating it really is to counter morons of all kinds on the one day in the year when they are supposed to be nice to you.

So to all those who wished me on FB or called or texted because you remembered without a notification, thank you. To all those who wished me because the office birthday mail reminded you, also thank you. But the biggest thanks goes out to those who didn't wish me. I'm not being sarcastic. I'm just happy that we don't have to pretend that we're *that* interested in each other's lives.

Sorry about rambling. But the incessant rain in Mumbai this weekend has put a dampener on any plans even before I could think of making some. Happy birthday to me!



Lobotrix said…
awww... J not to worry! when you do get married send them a message saying I got married, happy now? :P

After you get married, they ask for children so...

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