Weekend washout?

Remember I mentioned that I was supposed to be working on Sunday, i.e. today? Yeah, that's not happening all thanks to the insipid performance of the Indian cricket team. Losing a Test match by an innings and way too many runs in under 4 days is just not done. This, of course, has pissed me off no end. First of all, the fools in white flannels lose miserably. And second, my travel plans were pretty much ruined with the whole you-might-be-required-to-come-to-work expectation. Long Independence Day weekend? What's that?

Anyway, I'll admit it... I'm quite relieved not to be travelling to office. I mean, who wants to glide over Aarey Colony's potholes? You have to see these potholes. They are the ultimate torture. Will do a post on that very soon.

So, I stayed home the whole of Saturday, and I ended up at a friend's place for an overnight stay. The idea was to do a TV show marathon, but got changed to some movie plan. Due Date and Band Baajaa Baaraat were the DVD picks. I had watched BBB before, or so I thought. But apparently, I had completely missed the second half. Not bad for a one-time watch. Panipuri and sevpuri were had before dinner. And then Indian Chinese fare, Coke, and tender coconut ice-cream to round off the night.

We stayed up till almost 4am laughing uncontrollably with that Talking Tom app on someone's phone. And also, playing a very silly game called "in my pink pyjamas". Basically, you had to pick a movie name and suffix it with "in my pink pyjamas". The results can be quite funny. Sample these:
  • Mission Impossible in my pink pyjamas
  • The Dark Knight Rises in my pink pyjamas
  • Kuch Kuch Hota Hai in my pink pyjamas
You get the drift, no? Also, you could do this with song names, band names, TV show names... Desperate Housewives in my pink pyjamas? Haha! This would also work as a terrific ice-breaker.

I'm still at the friend's place and typing this post from her laptop. Was planning to leave in a bit, but now being tempted into staying for lunch because it will include chingri malai (a Bengali prawn curry preparation in coconut milk) on the menu. Yum!

Will catch you later in the day... Must catch up with a ton of stuff at home and work. And also try and figure out a gameplan to beat Lo's prolific blogging and to motivate Di to get going.




Lobotrix said…
(takes a bow).
You should have seen the potholes at the bus stand at my place! It was a rollercoaster ride all through!
Unknown said…
i like the way you write thats y i followed...so just keep it going :)
and ya check out mine as well... hope you would like karan-demon.blogspot.com :)

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