
Showing posts from June, 2012

And the award goes to...

... Dilip D'Souza ! I'm thrilled to let you know that Dilip , our writing mentor and friend, has won the Newsweek & The Daily Beast-Open Hands Prize for Commentary in South Asia . Long name for an award, no? But hey, it's going to a very deserving person. For a report on the event in NYC last week, click here . And below is a video chat with Dilip himself: In case the video doesn't play, click here to watch it. Congratulations, DD! We are so proud of you.

RIP, Maximum City?

Of late, I've been disturbed with how Bombay/Mumbai is turning out to be. I love the city to death (appropriate, no?) but increasingly I'm running out of reasons to defend my love for it. They say it's the city where dreams come true. But whose dreams? The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.  And those in between? Well, we are basically fucked.  The common man - or woman - is helpless. Everything seems to run in this vicious circle. People give bribes, people take bribes. People want a corruption-free system but are forgetting we are the system. If we don't stand up for what is right, if we don't speak out against injustice, then who will? The politicians? Judiciary? Police? But who put them in those positions in the first place? Think about it. Maximum City, can you magically revive yourself? Any more of this disillusionment and I will give up. Sincerely, ~j~


... and feel so helpless after reading this: And to think I posted this photo on Instagram just yesterday... When did my city go to hell? Or rather become hell. RIP, Bombay. RIP, Mumbai.