Breaking a myth
The following conversation happened one morning last week on the office shuttle*:
Colleague (sitting behind me and pointing to my hand): What book is that?
Me: *shows the cover of the book without saying a word*
It was Devdutt Pattanaik's Myth = Mithya | A Handbook of Hindu Mythology.
Colleague (surprised look): Oh! Why this?
Me: Why not?
Colleague: Yeah, why not.
Me: *smiles*
After a full 60 seconds, as if hit by a brainwave but still a little puzzled...
Colleague: Are you getting married to a Hindu?
Me: Bwahahahahahahahahaha... :D
* Shuttle = a mini bus that ferries us from the railway station to the office in the mornings, and the other way around in the evenings.
PS: Let me know if *this* font looks better with the blog. Fonts are the only thing bothering me about this blog template.